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IF YOU PREFER, complete the online form and mail your check within 5 days. NO FEES!  Your follow-up check can be made out and mailed to the following:
Greater Newark Youth Council
P.O. Box 9213
Newark DE 19714


YOU MAY TRANSFER YOUR MEMBERSHIP FROM ANOTHER BRANCH TO OURS. Click here to access a Unit Transfer Request. Print this PDF, complete the form, and send it directly to National. Be sure to indicate to which unit you are transferring: #2355-B adult branch or #27AB-B youth council.

Membership in the Greater Newark Youth Council is open to anyone 0-24 years of age, including K-12 and college students who do not have a college chapter on campus. Young adults to age 24 have the choice to join the Youth Council ($10/yr) or Adult Branch ($30/yr) Both units offer lifetime memberships. Contact us for more information.

Membership: what do I get?

Your membership allows you to:

  • Work with activists and organizers in local NAACP branches, youth councils & college chapters

  • Organize marches, rallies, and direct action campaigns to bring attention to local issues

  • Support access to quality education, healthcare, economic opportunities

  • Advocate for laws and policies to improve your community

  • Participate in voter registration and get out the vote campaigns

  • Attend national events, regional conferences, and trainings to sharpen your advocacy and leadership skills


Membership in the Newark Branch automatically affords membership in the Delaware State NAACP and the National NAACP, thus receiving the representation and benefits at the local, state and national levels.


Memberships are available for both adults and youth (through age 24) and may be renewed on an annual basis.  Lifetime memberships are also affordable as payments are spread over time.


Memberships may be gifted or sponsored, starting at birth.


You may join online for each member of your family or download and complete a membership form for each by clicking on the PDF document icon above.



If you want to join online via the National NAACP website, PLEASE make sure you indicate that your membership request is for the NEWARK BRANCH #2355-B, age 25 and up. The GREATER NEWARK YOUTH COUNCIL (ages 0-24) number is #27-AB.  Please be aware that your membership will take longer to process, including the Branch receiving your local dues portion.

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P.O.BOX 9213

NEWARK DE   19714

The Newark DE NAACP is a 501(c) 4 nonprofit, nonpartisan social justice organization. Contributions and gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes; however they are deductible as ordinary business expenses.

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